Rushford Town Board Minutes
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Town of Rushford Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm on February 2, 2011 by Chairman Tom Egan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with Tom Egan, Jerry Schoonover, Patrick Kafer, Kathryn Lewis and Peggy Hendricks present. Also present for all or part of the meeting: 11 additional persons per attendance record on file.

Statement of Public Notice: This meeting was posted at the Eureka and Waukau Post office, the town hall door and the town web page. Notices were mailed to Town Board members and the Zoning Administrator.

Discussion with Sherriff's Department Deputy Schoonover was present to answer any questions or concerns.

Public Input: Michael Becker , 8084 Galaxy Dr, Neenah, property owner of 8878 Banner Hill Road stated they would not have any objection to the tower if it was moved 500'. Patsy Pomplun asked for a correction in January's minutes under "Old Business" which stated "Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to allow $75 for up to 5 chairs for the Board table. Motion carried." It should read "Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to allow $75 per chair, up to 5 chairs for the Board table. Motion carried. Correction was made.

Clerks Report & Minutes: Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to approve the minutes with correction as presented for the January 5, 2011 town board meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve the minutes as presented from the Meeting of Electors held January 5, 2011. Motion carried.

Treasurers Report was given by Kathryn Lewis. The balance in the general account is $35,883.83 There is $70,787.96 in 3 separate Fire Truck CD's. The Town tax account has $737,648.66. Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to accept the treasurer's report. Motion carried.

Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to see if 1st National will match the CD rates from Farmers & Merchants, and if not, renew the Fire Truck CD for $26,176.57 with 1st National bank for 19 months at 1.25%. Motion carried.

Payment of invoices -Peggy Hendricks read off the invoices which she approved and submitted to the board for approval of payment for an amount of $42,472.19. Tom Egan questioned the charge for Neenah Animal Shelter. The bill was sent from the animal shelter for 4 cats which were bought in the month of June. Egan stated a certified letter should be sent to them stating that the Town of Rushford will not pay for any animals at the Neenah Animal Shelter unless they were bought in with approval from the constable, humane officer or any of the board members. Kafer questioned the bill to Winnebago County for $5017.25 which was for grinding the brush that was cut from the correctional department. He thought it was too high.
Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to pay February's bills that were submitted. Motion carried.

Old Business: Egan stated that the Sergeant who was in charge of the brushing done by the inmates has left. He advised the clerk to send Susan Ross an email to get on the list for brushing for 2011. Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover for the clerk to notify the WI Correctional Center to ask to be put on the list for brushing for 2011 since we have not completed all that has to be done. Motion carried.

Discussion of Town Hall maintenance/needs: Kafer will inquiry about getting someone out to fix the rope on the flag which broke. A basket to get up in the air is needed.

Upcoming meetings and workshops :

Omro/Rushford Fire Department District meeting on February 9 at 7:00
Spring primary election on February 15, 2011
WTA District meeting at Ripon on February 18th
Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to send in the registration for the WTA District meeting on February 18 for members who are able to attend. Motion carried.

Reports on Meetings that have been attended: Fred Kasten reported on the Town Caucus which was held on January 8th. Nominated was Tom Egan for Chairman, Patrick Kafer & Jerry Schoonover for supervisors, Kathryn Lewis for treasurer and Peggy Hendricks for clerk.

Town Zoning: Conditional use permit for Nathan Ward/SBA Towers & Verizon Wireless, agent for property owner David & Elaine Dobberstein for parcel # 022 0190 for SBA to construct a 190' Self Supporting Lattice Tower, expandable to 250', to accommodate cellular communications antennas for Verizon wireless and future tenants. Mr Ward was teleconferenced in to answer any questions since he could not make the meeting because of the snow storm. New site planes were sent to the board members showing the move of the tower north to achieve 500' clearance from the south property line. He also sent the FAA Determination for the new tower location stating that no hazard to air navigation would be created by the tower.

Kafer stated he would like to see a light on top of the tower, which SBA Towers will provide if it is wanted, for it is not required since the tower is under 200'. Kasten objected this for the people living on Banner Hill.

Michael Becker pointed out the parcel number was incorrect on the agenda. It should read #022 0190, not #022 0191 as printed on the agenda.

Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Nathan Ward/SBA Towers & Verizon Wireless, agent for David & Elaine Dobberstein, 4206 N Cty Rd K, Omro, WI, Parcel # 022 0190 to construct a 190' Self Supporting Lattice Tower, extendable to 250' to accommodate cellular communications antenna for Verizon wireless and future tenants with the following stipulations:

" Have an 8' fence instead of the 6'
" Plantings would be placed on the south side
" No light will be placed on top of the tower
" The tower will be moved back to 500' as shown in the site plan # WI 14015-B, Site Name: Eureka 7
Motion carried.

County Zoning Committee Report: Fred Kasten reported that he attended a meeting concerning Farmland Preservation on January 26th. The discussion was on the enterprise areas. Another one is scheduled for February 15th

Building permit Report: Chairman Tom Egan reported there was 1 building permits issued this past month. It is for a new home located on Eureka Lock Road.

Discussion on Town Maintenance: Constable Sean Edinger reported that January 29th he received a call from the sheriff that an animal was taken to Neenah Animal Shelter after the resident had taken the animal to a "People Hospital". Mr Edinger was called, but was not given sufficient time to respond. It was said that there was not an answer at Traxlers, but the Winnebago County Sheriff's department should have a key. Mr Edinger and Chuck Mier authorized the dog to stay at Neenah Animal Shelter because of additional transportation costs.

Mr Edinger stated that since we do not have a contract with Neenah, we should not be liable for any bills from there unless if procedures were followed and was authorized by Mr Edinger, Mr Mier or a board member. A bill was received by the town in December for 4 cats which were taken to the shelter in June of 2010. Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover for the clerk to send a certified letter to Neenah Animal Shelter stating we will not pay any bills for animals bought to the shelter unless it was authorized by Mr Edinger, Mr Mier or a Board member. Phone numbers of contacts should be included. Motion carried.

Fred Kasten mentioned to the residents that Enterprise School is for sale and if anyone was interested, they should contact the School administration or The Omro Herald. Tom Egan also mentioned that the Omro School District is looking for an appointed School District Supervisor if anyone was interested.

Tom Egan reminded everyone that our next monthly board meeting will be March 2, 2011.
Books were audited.

Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to adjourn the meeting at 9:05. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by Peggy Hendricks, Clerk