Rushford Town Board Minutes

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


The Town of Rushford Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm on July 6, 2011 by Chairman Thomas Egan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call was taken with Tom Egan, Jerry Schoonover, Patrick Kafer, Kathryn Lewis and Peggy Hendricks present.  Also present for all or part of the meeting:  13 additional persons per attendance record on file, although several others were present, but did not sign in.


Statement of Public Notice   The Rushford Board Meeting, the Road meeting, & June Zoning meeting was posted at the Eureka and Waukau Post office, the town hall door and the town web page.  Notices were mailed to Town Board members and the Zoning Administrator.   Election equipment testing and public notice of zoning hearings were posted and additionally published in the Oshkosh Northwestern. 


Speaker Jay Potratz was present to explain and discuss the Omro School Referendum which will be on the ballot on July 12th.


Deputy Kyle Schoonover from Winnebago Co Sheriff’s department was present to answer any concerns.


Clerks Report & Minutes:    Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve the minutes as presented for the June 1, 2011 town board meeting.  Motion carried. 


Treasurers Report was given by Kathryn Lewis.  The balance at the end of June in the general account is $148,019.53. There is $71,166.27 in 3 separate Fire Truck CD’s.  The Town tax account has $113.00.  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion carried. 


There are two CD’s from Farmers & Merchants coming up for renewal.  One is for $27,578.89 and another for $17,580.35.  Pat Kafer suggested that we cash in the CD’s and put towards the town hall since the interest payments are so low.  The CD’s were ear marked for the fire trucks, but he felt it would be better off putting towards the town hall loan.  Then the money could be ear marked next year.  Tom Jackson felt a new fire truck would not be needed until 2015.  The interest rate on the town hall is 4.35% with a payoff balance of $113,222.48.


The CD at 1st National was just renewed.  Pat Kafer suggested tabling this until next month.  Kathy Lewis will check on penalties and it will be acted on next month.  Kathy could cash in the CD’s and put in the tax account until a decision is made.


Payment of invoices –Peggy Hendricks approved and submitted to the board the bills for July in the amount of $50,361.86 for approval of payment.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to pay July’s bills as submitted.  Motion carried. 


Ripon Trucks bill for mowing was $4041 and it was thought they did a good job.  Tom Egan received one complaint on O’Reilly and Liberty.


Public Input:   Terry Wagoner, 3134 Cty Road E, Eureka wanted to let the board know what she had been working on this week.  They contacted the Land & Water Department and they said they were unaware of any permit for Tom Schroder.  They also contacted the DNR about the stream that goes though their property to see if it is a navigational stream.  She stated the Tom Schroeder has not removed the pipes from the parcel which was ordered.  They just want to make sure that if anything is done, that everything is on the up and up.  She requested that they post phone any decision on a zoning change or a building permit.  Tom Egan asked what difference it would make on a zoning permit.  She said that she does understand that it could only be zoned R-1 and she does not have a problem with that. 


Constable Report – Peggy Hendricks:  Peggy Hendricks stated that 6 dogs have been picked up and took to Traxlers.  Two certified letters have been sent out to people who owe on fines, but they have not picked up their letters or signed for them at the post office.


Communications & Correspondence – Kathryn Lewis stated that transportation aid of $24,837.70 was put into our account. 


Old Business:  Signing of official bond:  The bond has been taken out with the insurance company and the official bond was signed and filed in the clerk’s office.


Cease Work Order – An official cease and desist order was given to Tom Schroder from Tom Egan.  He is to stop work until all permits are obtain and posted.


New Business:  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve picnic license for Eureka Landings for July 23 & August 20th.  Motion carried.  Tom Egan mentioned that when picnic licenses are approved, they would like to know what it is for. 


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to approve a picnic license to Terry Wagoner for the Ball Diamond in Eureka for a Cancer Walk fund raiser.  Motion carried.


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to change August board meeting for August 10 at 7 pm.  Motion carried.


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to allow Lynn Jerrett from FVTI to hold farm classes this winter at the town hall for no charge and to allow him to have a key.  Motion carried.


It was suggested that the Tractor Club and the 4-H be made aware that the keys should be returned if they retire from their duties. 


Discussion of Town Hall maintenance/needs:   Peggy Hendricks is requesting a USPS mail box for the hall in the amount of $257.21.  She would like to have it at the end of the sidewalk, which the post master agreed to.  Pat Kafer asked if the post master had a key for outgoing mail, and she said it did not.  She could not find one and was told that the post master would not unlock the box to get outgoing mail.  She figured if it had to be done; the mail could be taken to Omro or to another post office box since she goes by one almost every day.  Terry Wagoner said that she thought the post master would open a mail box out.  Peggy Hendricks will check into this before the mailbox is ordered. 


Motion Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover purchase a mailbox for the town hall at the cost of $257.21.  Motion carried.


Peggy Hendricks requested to purchase Adobe software for the town computer.  There are many forms that are .pdf files and she would like to create and edit files.  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to allow $215 for the purchase of Adobe software in CD form providing it is for more than one user. 


Tom Egan asked why it had to be for more than one user.  Kathy stated that she would not need the software.  Motion carried. 


Kathryn Lewis check around the prices for LP.  L&L had the less expensive cost of LP.  A tank from L&L would be $2000.  It was mentioned that 1000 gal tanks advertise in the paper for less.  Pat Kafer asked Kathryn Lewis to check around more for prices of tanks.  It will be tabled until next month.


Discussion on Town Maintenance:  Adoption of Resolution for Ward Boundaries.  Peggy Hendricks explained that because of the census, our ward boundaries needed to be changed.  The Fox River will divide Wards 1 & 2.  Tom Egan read the Resolution, signed it and it will be sent into the County after adoption.

Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to adopt the Resolution for Ward Boundaries for the Town of Rushford.  Motion carried. 


Roads:  Tom Egan explained that we were over $30,000 over on budget for snowplowing this year, which lowers the money available to repair roads.  The board tries to do 5 miles of roads a year, but there just is not enough money.  They will do patching, wedging and whatever they can, and chip & seal will be next year.  They are doing the best they can.  Ripon Truck saved the town a lot of money mowing this year over the county.  Freund will be replacing the culverts we have unless if anyone has another suggestion. 


Brushing:  We have not heard from the correctional department.  They did our brushing last year, but they did start later in the fall.  Tom Egan is still working with the Park Department on the chipper.  If anyone wants any chips, let the town know.  Pat Kafer stated that Ripon Truck might be able to do some brushing and grinding. 


Upcoming meetings and workshops : 


a.       Winnebago County Unit WTA meeting on July 7 at 6:30 at Town of Menasha, 2000 Municipal Drive, Neenah

b.      Recall Election on July 12

c.       Winnebago Zoning Ordinance Re-Write Meeting on July 21 at 3:00

d.      Winnebago Farmland Preservation Plan Steering Committee Meeting on July 28 at 3:00 at the Coughlin Center

e.      Landowner information meeting regarding cost-sharing for conservation practices jointly sponsored by NRCS, FSA, Winnebago County Land & Water Conservation & UW-Extension on July 28th from 10 am – noon at Rushford Town hall

f.        Primary election on August 9

g.       Local Budget & Finance workshop at Ripon on September 14





Reports on Meetings that have been attended:


Town Zoning Report – Tom Jackson:   The zoning meeting was held on June 29th.  Tom Jackson reported the following:



Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve with the recommendations of the zoning committee for Don & Joyce Gabrilska, Parcel # 022 0072 of approximate 40 acres from A-1 to A-2.  Motion carried.


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve the recommendations of the zoning committee for Tom Schroeder, parcel # 022 120701 to rezone the duel zoned property of A-2 and R-1 to R-1. 


Discussion:  Pat Kafer asked if this was considered a nonconforming lot.  Fred Kasten stated it was and all permits and set backs would have to be done.  Jerry Schoonover asked what the difference was if you changed the zoning to A-2 or R-1.  A-2 has more ft in setbacks, but this should be considered a R-1 lot, for it is in the village and it is not agricultural.  Motion carried. 


Tom Egan asked if he put any kind of building on this property, if he would need a Conditional use permit.  Fred Kasten stated that he would if he put a shed up before a residence.  Tom Egan suggested that Mr Schroeder call the Land, Water & Erosion to let them know what he is doing.


Building Permit Report:  Tom Egan reported there were 3 building permits for the month of June.


Jim Kasten, 3238 Senn Road, Omro;  36’x120’ Barn Roof Replacement & 26x80 Harvestore  $105,000        

Stephan Bayer, 7361 Meadowridge Dr, Omro;  Patio & Fireplace.  $11,100            

Thomas Morgan, 9179 Stone School Road, Omro, WI;  Pole shed                 $72,000


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to adjourn the meeting at 8:45.  Motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted by Peggy Hendricks, Clerk